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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sweden UFO Sighting February 12, 2011 - Watch Video

Sweden UFO Sighting February 12, 2011 - Watch Video
Breaking Footage - New UFO Sighting
February 13, 2011

Sweden (Goteborg) - Video evidence of a new UFO sighting has emerged in Sweden.  The UFO was spotted at 7PM on the evening of February 12, 2011.  The video was posted on YouTube by a user who claims to have shot the unidentified flying object from several different angles from an apartment window.  This video hasn't yet generated the excitement of the recent UFO seen hovering over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem last month.

Here is a quote from the person who took the footage:
"This was seen today around 7 pm, it is the same object in the whole video only from different angles since i had to run from around in my apartment in order to be able to follow it.
I removed the sound of this video because of the high pitch noise my camera was making..
It was seen flying near where they usually do in a suburb called Sävedalen which is only a few minutes away from Göteborg."

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