Wikileaks UFO

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wikileaks cable about UFOs revealed?

Wikileaks cable about UFOs revealed?

January 25, 2011

The biggest news from Wikileaks today isn't that the US embassy in Jakarta requested $100,000 to get a million people to "like" them on Facebook. Apparently, the UFO cable has been leaked.
UFO news site All News Web claims to have received a leak from Wikileaks about that UFO-related cable Julian Assange mentioned several weeks ago. Here's the scoop.
A source from within the inner circle of the Wikileaks team has confidentially leaked to All News Web the content of a State Dept cable, concerning UFO affairs, that Wikileaks has declined to upload onto their website.
The cable states: "It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated"
The cable was sent on 9 November, 2005 by the State Dept to a diplomat connected to the US embassy in Kiev, Ukraine. As it implies, the State Dept was concerned with diplomats with loose tongues chatting about UFOs at cocktail parties and conceding that the US does allocate resources to the matter.
I'm inclined to believe that this leak could be real, if only because it's so ambiguous. Are embassy staff told not to discuss UFOs because the DOD isn't interested in them, and doesn't want people thinking they're using resources for UFO hunting? Or is the DOD asking embassy staff to cover up an ultra-classified project that they've improbably shared with diplomats in Kiev?
UPDATE: Many are calling this a hoax, which seems reasonable. But there has been no official word from Wikileaks on the matter yet.

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